What Is The Color Of Love?

In the past few days, winter storms have swept through our area and have blanketed us in several inches of snow. Everything is white and only the pine trees and the buildings around us stand out in this sea of whiteness. There is something so restful and peaceful to the eye when all the colors have been wiped away. The brightness of the sunlight, even through dense cloud cover, is remarkable. This natural obscuring of color is lovely, but, how we long for the return of it eventually.

Pond view cabins at Hunter Moon Homestead blanketed in snow
Colors have their own vibrations and unique energetics. Which colors are you drawn to? If you are an artist, do you find yourself reaching for the same colors over and over?
We associate color with emotional qualities; green with envy, red with rage, black with mourning… Color has such power over our state of mind, over our likes and dislikes, and even over our blood pressure, our appetite, and our mood. And yet color is an illusion. Color is a visual perception based on the electromagnetic spectrum, how light reflects or is absorbed from an object.
My fascination with color has been life-long. When I was a child, someone gifted me with a large prism and it was one of my favorite objects. I loved having the prism up to my eye and looking at the vivid striations of color. One of the most visually profound moments in my life was driving up to the edge of the snake river canyon and looking out onto the top of a double rainbow as it arched into the 500 foot deep expanse. I sat spell bound as it slowly faded into space.

One of the most life-changing college courses I had the opportunity to take was on color theory. The professor stated that by the end of the class we would be able to match any color with the 3 primary colors, black and white. What an alchemical awakening as I explored the world of color magic!
Being able to see color in a new way was very helpful in my interior design business. I was able to help my clients create very personal spaces that were tailored to their color preferences. I loved working with paint suppliers to customize their color offerings and make a specific color that wasn't available by looking at their wall of color chips. I also used color in ways that enabled me to create award winning garden designs. Using the combinations of the color wheel makes whatever you are adding color to a more profound level.

For the past few years, I have gone down the pigment rabbit hole and gone even deeper into color blending and paint making. I am pleased to be able to offer my artist followers affordable, non-toxic, individual water colors, and water color palettes, and supplies to begin blending your own custom colors.