Hunter Moon Homestead Journal

Interview With Plein Air Painter Beth Cole
I paint both ways, plein air and in the stu­dio. I like to paint out­side to get ideas and to ob­serve col­ors, shapes, light, shad­ow, etc. We can al­ways work from pho­tos, but a pho­to­graph doesn’t give the same in­for­ma­tion you can gath­er from di­rect ob­ser­va­tion. Plus fresh air is good for body, mind and spir­it. I love be­ing in the nat­ur­al world, I be­lieve our Cre­ator’s col­or pal­ette is al­ways per­fect and it is a joy to be­hold.
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Kate's Gluten Free Fig Cake
When you have more time to invest in a fig dessert or breakfast cake, the recipe below is one that you will want to do over and over again. You can use other fruit in substitution for the figs if you choose.
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Practicing Trust in the Perfection of what IS
I live with a lot of anxiety witnessing all that is incomplete, not quite right, almost there, in need of repair… In all of this though, this need for getting every detail just right never stops me from doing the things I have uncertainty of, whether or not they will work out. I have learned a lot this past year about trusting that everything is exactly right. Exactly is a big word in this context. This trusting that everything is perfect just how it is, it’s a practice!
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A Love Letter To Plums | PRUNUS DOMESTICA
This time of year, we gather up the large purple fruit that comes with a natural wax coating called bloom. The bloom makes them look like they are covered in a filmy white powder. The insides of the fruit are a beautiful golden yellow with a deep red color between the skin and the flesh of the fruit. What a beautiful color combination all of this makes! To have found mature fruit trees, even though in need of some TLC, was a happy discovery.   
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Summer Recipe: Greenhouse Tomato Salad
The first tomatoes are coming on in our greenhouse this month. We had such a cold and wet spring, I knew that we would go from cold to hot in July. The tomato plants in the garden are covered with yellow star shaped flowers and are still weeks away from producing edible fruit. The green house has been a real game changer for us in our short growing season. This simple salad is one you can do for your own heirloom variety of tomato or ones you can get from your farmers market or grocery.
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