Hunter Moon Homestead Journal

What Is The Color Of Love?

My fascination with color has been life-long. When I was a child, someone gifted me with a large prism and it was one of my favorite objects. I loved having the prism up to my eye and looking at the vivid striations of color. One of the most visually profound moments in my life was driving up to the edge of the snake river canyon and looking out onto the top of a double rainbow as it arched into the 500 foot deep expanse. I sat spell bound as it slowly faded into space.

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Interview with Artist Hannah Woodman

In this conversation, expressive landscape painter Hannah Woodman shares insights into her process, the role of solitude in creativity, and how landscape painting can become a bridge between past and present.

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Interview With Painter Elaine Speirs

Full of emotion, movement and vibrant color, Elaine's paintings are evocative renditions of form, figure and nature. We're awed by her seemingly effortless ability to build a visual history in her work that draws the viewer closer. This July, we welcome the UK artist to Hunter Moon Homestead to teach her workshop, Nature In Bloom, where retreat guests will learn her technique of "drawing with paint." We asked Elaine a few questions to get to know more about her as an artist and her artistic process.

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A Winter Update From HMH Founder Kate Poole

I am asking you with total humility, we have worked so hard to make a lovely and healing place for artists to come and be lavishly loved on. If you have wanted to come but haven’t, now is the time! If you haven’t shared us with your artist friends, please do so. We are so looking forward to making new friends and sharing our hearts will all of you.

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Interview With Plein Air Painter Beth Cole
I paint both ways, plein air and in the stu­dio. I like to paint out­side to get ideas and to ob­serve col­ors, shapes, light, shad­ow, etc. We can al­ways work from pho­tos, but a pho­to­graph doesn’t give the same in­for­ma­tion you can gath­er from di­rect ob­ser­va­tion. Plus fresh air is good for body, mind and spir­it. I love be­ing in the nat­ur­al world, I be­lieve our Cre­ator’s col­or pal­ette is al­ways per­fect and it is a joy to be­hold.
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