Hunter Moon Homestead Journal

The work here flows now that the tasks that make it more comfortable are well under way. It is relatively clean now for a 117 year old farm house, the bugs have almost stopped coming out the wood work, and for the first time the mouse traps were empty upon our return. I called and made an appointment for Moscow Builders Supply to come and give us an estimate for insulating the walls and the attic space. There is not one bit of it anywhere and the wood we burn, heats the out of doors too.
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How will we make the transition from the city life to the country life? Should we be cautious and thoughtful, or should we throw caution to the wind and jump into the void? For some the known brings comfort and stability, for others, the thrill of the unknown brings an excitement to an ordinary life.
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Intentions for the New Year 2019 Taking steps toward health and vitality. Resolving issues with current health concerns. Continue to work on writing, including blogs for Hunter Moon Homestead, Essential Apothecary, and Memoirs. Enjoy spiritual practice and the profound movement...
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We have a now familiar pattern. Leave Seattle after work on Thursday, trying to get to the highway leading out of Seattle before rush hour traffic is at a standstill. The days grow increasingly shorter and shorter and we find we are driving in the dark just over an hour or so into the drive east.
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The truck was ready to be loaded with most of the contents of our storage unit, odds and ends we had stored at our daughter Jessie’s house, bits of things we had left at a friend’s house, and the accumulated pile of things we would need from our Seattle apartment. But, we had not yet signed the loan docs.
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